• Life Events,  Travel

    The Camino Is Happening!

    It’s happening! I will walk the Camino de Santiago. My flight to Paris leaves from Atlanta on Sunday, April 10th. From Paris, I will make my way to Saint Jean Pied de Port to start my journey along the Camino Frances (one of many routes to Santiago de Compostela, Spain). Initially, I hoped to walk the entire length of the Camino Frances, which is about 500 miles, but being away from work for more than 30 days would be a challenge. I did not want to miss the experience of hiking through the Pyrenees at the start of the Frances, but I also wanted to walk into Santiago at the…

  • Life Events,  Outdoors,  State Parks

    First Day Hike 2022

    I kicked off 2022 on a hike with my dad at Panola Mountain. Each year, state parks across the country celebrate New Year’s Day with guided First Day Hikes. First Day Hikes first started in Massachusetts in 1992 and became a nationwide initiative supported by the American State Parks alliance in 2012. These hikes are intended to encourage people to get outdoors. I chose the First Day Hike at Panola Mountain State Park because I have visited the park several times but have never stepped foot on the granite mountain. This is because access to the mountain is limited to ranger-led hikes. Panola Mountain is the last pristine Monadnock ecosystem…

  • Life Events,  Travel


    I am obsessed with the Camino de Santiago! For the past two weeks, I have researched persistently for hours at a time about this pilgrimage commonly referred to as the Camino. I tell people “I’m thinking about walking the Camino,” but I laugh at this statement because I have already researched gear,  was fitted for a pack (but did not purchase), and created a personal packing list. I think I am past the “thinking about it” stage.  This afternoon, I plan to visit REI again to try on a few pairs of trail shoes and feel out a pack I saw online. Once I have decided on these two items, I will…