Life Events,  Travel

The Camino Is Happening!

It’s happening! I will walk the Camino de Santiago. My flight to Paris leaves from Atlanta on Sunday, April 10th. From Paris, I will make my way to Saint Jean Pied de Port to start my journey along the Camino Frances (one of many routes to Santiago de Compostela, Spain). Initially, I hoped to walk the entire length of the Camino Frances, which is about 500 miles, but being away from work for more than 30 days would be a challenge. I did not want to miss the experience of hiking through the Pyrenees at the start of the Frances, but I also wanted to walk into Santiago at the end. So, I have decided to walk three days from Saint-Jean and then take a train to Leon, which is about a 13-day walk from Santiago. I am nervous yet excited about this trip. Traveling alone is not new for me, but the communal experience of hostel lodging is. This trip will take me outside of my comfort zone.

For many, the Camino is a spiritual journey. I am not sure what my expectations are for this trip. I hope to find peace in spirit and mind, renewal, and new perspectives, but I plan to move forward with an open mind. If you would like to follow along on my journey, follow me on Instagram at @fiana.olivia. Below is a tentative itinerary for my trip.