Life Events,  Travel


I am obsessed with the Camino de Santiago! For the past two weeks, I have researched persistently for hours at a time about this pilgrimage commonly referred to as the Camino. I tell people “I’m thinking about walking the Camino,” but I laugh at this statement because I have already researched gear,  was fitted for a pack (but did not purchase), and created a personal packing list. I think I am past the “thinking about it” stage.  This afternoon, I plan to visit REI again to try on a few pairs of trail shoes and feel out a pack I saw online. Once I have decided on these two items, I will add them to my wishlist for future purchases. 

Why has this particular experience captivated me so? Honestly, I think it’s the timing. My last international trip was with family to Morocco in October 2019. I had plans for a third trip to Tokyo for my birthday in March 2020, but as was the case for many travelers, those plans were canceled due to COVID-19.  International travel is a luxury, this I know, but not having it has been a bit sad.  A yearning that has remained unsatisfied for two years. Also, I recently quit my full-time job to work for myself. This has been one of the best decisions I have made for ME and I can’t recall when I felt this kind of freedom. So, this pining for the adventure of travel along with my newly found freedom has created a fervor for the extraordinary. I think a 500-mile trek across the Spanish countryside qualifies as something pretty extraordinary. At least it’s a start. 🙂

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