• Life Events,  Travel

    The Camino Is Happening!

    It’s happening! I will walk the Camino de Santiago. My flight to Paris leaves from Atlanta on Sunday, April 10th. From Paris, I will make my way to Saint Jean Pied de Port to start my journey along the Camino Frances (one of many routes to Santiago de Compostela, Spain). Initially, I hoped to walk the entire length of the Camino Frances, which is about 500 miles, but being away from work for more than 30 days would be a challenge. I did not want to miss the experience of hiking through the Pyrenees at the start of the Frances, but I also wanted to walk into Santiago at the…

  • Life Events,  Travel


    I am obsessed with the Camino de Santiago! For the past two weeks, I have researched persistently for hours at a time about this pilgrimage commonly referred to as the Camino. I tell people “I’m thinking about walking the Camino,” but I laugh at this statement because I have already researched gear,  was fitted for a pack (but did not purchase), and created a personal packing list. I think I am past the “thinking about it” stage.  This afternoon, I plan to visit REI again to try on a few pairs of trail shoes and feel out a pack I saw online. Once I have decided on these two items, I will…